Philippine Bike Sharing To KickStart In Davao, City
The Durian Capital of the Philippines (one of Davao City’s nickname) gets an eco-frienndly commute option. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has chosen Davao, City as one of only three locations in the Asia-Pacific to test its bicycle-sharing program.
The Philippines has been pushing for cleaner and more eco-friendly initiatives, especially in terms with transportation, which is a major air pollution contributor in the counter. ADB has backed several projects in the country, which has been successfully launched to the public. The most successful was the approval of the country’s (if not world’s) first electric jeepney (e-jeepney) franchise.
The bicycle-sharing program aims to promote eco-friendly mode of transport. This is very fitting for a fast growing city, that is often dubbed to be the future information technology (IT) hub of the country.
It is also seen to improve air quality and reduce the rate of pedestrian accidents and fatalities, by decreasing the number of private vehicles on the road.
The bicycles will not replace major modes of transport in the City. It is targeted for used in short distance travels, that is that is too long to walk. So it can also contribute to a having a healthier community. By making it a form of short exercise, rather than sitting on a jeepney or taxi cab.
Good to know that the government are considering these kinds of programs.
However, they should have to implement better laws and policies for bikers if the program will be implemented in a country-wide scale.
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