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Green innovations for a sustainable future: Air Cleaning Paint - Let’s paint the world

Most eco-friendly products on the market focus on reducing their environmental impact, through the materials used  efficiency in manufacturing and energy-efficiency (for electronic products). The Air Cleaning Paint sets a new standard for green products. It minimizes environmental impact by lower VOC levels, while its air cleaning technology continuously absorbs air pollution by using sunlight and water vapor from the atmosphere.

The air cleaning paint is an innovation in one of the basic products used at home, paint. A good example on how it works is the air cleaning paint from the Philippines, an innovative paint called “KNOxOUT” paint, a Filipino innovation in paint from ‘Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines‘.

The paint has been tested and proved to absorb and eliminate ten (10) cars worth of emissions for every one (1) square meter of paint.

A square foot of the air cleaning paint can absorb the same amount of air pollution as a full-grown tree.

The paint contains chemicals that reacts with light and water vapor. It absorbs energy from sunlight and transforms ordinary water vapor to into free radicals that can breakdown NOx air pollutants that comes in contact with the paint’s surface. The whole cycle involves an environment friendly process called Photocatalysis.


The Photocatalysis process allows the paint to sustain its ability to clean air. The paint chemicals involved in the reaction are not consumed, they act as mere catalysts only, allowing it to continuously generate free radicals with sufficient sunlight,air and moisture.

Many institutions have used the paint in the country. This includes several towns and areas on the country’s capital, Manila. Last february 2013,  a US based company ‘Environmental Imports, Inc.’ has reached an agreement with ‘Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines, Inc’. to distribute the air cleaning paint in the United States.

This innovation certainly has very good potential towards our development to a sustainable future.


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